Over the decades, Glenshesk has featured in a number of local and national newspapers, as well as in farm publications and the like. Here we have a mixed selection of these articles
Monica Devlin, Cross and Passion Past Pupils Reunion, May 1975
Glen School concert
Airplace crash and girl killed, Glenshesk, Belfast Newsletter 19.10.1943
Cross and Passion College, School Results, Ballycastle, 1945
Frankie McBride, Glenshesk, gets a new Honda, 1999
Glen Chapel, where is it?
No Credit for Glenshesk Man, 1957
Paddy McBride, Loughan Farm, Glenshesk, Big Snow in 1985 and 1947
Now we know why there isn’t a crooked fence in Glenshesk! A great photo taken 30 years ago on Duncarbit Farm of a selection of local farmers. Included in the photo is Seamus McErlain, Paddy McErlain, Carlos McDonnell, Kevin, Brian and Francis McCaughan, Pat McErlain, James Dillon, Mr Hesketh, the agricultural adviser and others!
Kevin and Aidan McCaughan checking out Inlet landslide, Glenshesk, Glens of Antrim November 1998
Glenshesk Landslide, November 1994
Glenshesk Landslide, November 1994
Progressive Farmers, Ballycastle, Feb 1991
Magherintemple, Glenshesk, Carey
Magherintemple, Glenshesk, Carey
Event in memory of Brian McCaughan, Glenshesk, Oct19
House to Let, Glenshesk, 1894
Helicopter at Tearard, Duncarbit, Glemshesk with aninimal feed, 1998
Patricia Devlin, Glenshesk, graduation of daughter, Catherine Diamond
Moyle Memories of Pat Mc Cambridge auctioning cattle in Duncarbit farmyard, with Glenshesk boys Francis John McCaughan and Randal McDonnell
Moyle Memories of Pat Mc Cambridge auctioning cattle in Duncarbit farmyard, Glenshesk, Glens of Antrim
Newspaper clipping of Glens Young Farmers Club talk with a number of Glenshesk folk, early 1990’s
Feeding hens at Duncarbit, Glenshesk, Farming Life, November 1998
Major John MacBride, McBride, Irish Press, May 1933
Peg McCaughan, Ballycastle and District Horse Association
Glenbank House, Glenshesk, Ballycastle
School days at Glenshesk, Paddy McBride
Kevin McCaughan, Duncarbit, Glenshesk in Farmweek
Armoy Church, St Olcan’s Bi-Centenary, 1807 – 2007,
Armoy Church, St Olcan’s Bi-Centenary, 1807 – 2007
Armoy Church, St Olcan’s Bi-Centenary, 1807 – 2007
Armoy Church, St Olcan’s Bi-Centenary, 1807 – 2007
Armoy Church, St Olcan’s Bi-Centenary, 1807 – 2007
Ballycastle Church, St Patrick’s and St St Brigid’s Church, 1958
Ballycastle Church, St Patrick’s and St St Brigid’s Church, 1958
Ballycastle Church, St Patrick’s and St St Brigid’s Church, 1958
Ballycastle Church, St Patrick’s and St St Brigid’s Church, 1958
Ballycastle Church, St Patrick’s and St St Brigid’s Church, 1958
Ballycastle Church, St Patrick’s and St St Brigid’s Church, 1958
Ballycastle Church, St Patrick’s and St St Brigid’s Church, 1958
Glens Young Farmers Club, Coleraine Chronicle
Niall and Brian McCaughan at Glenshesk School, Ballymoney Times, April 1990
Map of The Glens of Antrim, Photo DOE, 1988
Brian McCaughan heading to Rathlin Island, June 2004. News Letter
Frank McBride & Family, Loughan, Glenshesk. Newspaper article
CPC, Cross and Passion College, Ballycastle Past Pupils Reunion, 1975
Glen Chapel, where is it?
Glenshesk Steamer, Belfast Newsletter, Jun1895
Cross and Passion College Results, Ballycastle, 1945
Monica Devlin, of Glenbank House, Glenshesk with Sr Una, Cross and Passion College, Ballycastle, 1975
Anne McCaughan (Duncarbit), Mary T McCaughan (Ardeen), Margaret McCaughan (Duncarbit)& Mairead Osborne (The Hollow), Glens of Antrim Historical Society 50th Anniversary dinner. October 2015
Farm Week supplement, Autumn 1982 Kevin McCaughan, Duncarbit, Glenshesk
Announcement of death of Fr Francis McBride, Greenan’s, Glenshesk, March 1923
Cross & Passion College Ballad & School Song, Ballycastle
Newspaper clipping of St Patricks & St Brigid’s Church, Ballycastle, a short history by Cathal Dallat